Suisman Shaprio | Attorneys At Law
Suisman Shaprio | Attorneys At Law
The Largest Law Firm in Eastern Connecticut
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A 75 Year Tradition of Innovation and Commitment to Excellence

Super-Lawyers-2022Six Suisman Shapiro Attorneys Named to
2022 Connecticut Super Lawyers® and Rising Stars Lists

James P. Berryman, Eric W. Callahan, John A. Collins, III and Theodore W. Heiser have been named to the Connecticut Super Lawyers list as top attorneys for 2022.  Each year, no more than five percent of attorneys in Connecticut are selected by Super Lawyers.  In addition, Kyle J. Zrenda have been named to the Rising Stars list; each year, no more than 2.5 percent of lawyers in the state under the age of 40 or in practice ten years or less are selected by the research team at Super Lawyers to receive this honor.

Super Lawyers, part of Thomson Reuters, is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. The annual selections are made using a patented multiphase process that includes a statewide survey of lawyers, an independent research evaluation of candidates and peer reviews by practice area. The result is a credible, comprehensive and diverse listing of exceptional attorneys. The Super Lawyers lists are published nationwide in Super Lawyers Magazines and in leading city and regional magazines and newspapers across the country. For more information about Super Lawyers, visit

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