For people in Connecticut dealing with divorce or separation, it can be an emotionally draining process at any time of the year. The winter holidays, however, can be a particularly challenging time for people coming to the end of a marriage, particularly parents who are working to share time with their children. Dealing with parenting plans and child custody issues while also navigating family dinners and religious celebrations can add stress to the holidays. However, divorcing parents can take some proactive steps to care for their children’s emotions, and their own, during the holidays and on an ongoing basis.
A positive co-parenting relationship and a structured parenting plan can help children feel secure and supported. Otherwise, split time during the holidays can lead to kids feeling like they’re caught between two families and two homes. At the same time, for a divorcing parent, this can also bring disappointment and loneliness when the child is spending time with their other parent during holiday events and traditions.
While it may be important to continue traditions during divorce, this can also be a time to create new holiday traditions to look forward to in future years. Custody issues are always a challenge, even for amicable ex-spouses. However, holiday time can be a crucial period for flexibility to help children enjoy all of their family activities.
No matter the time of year, it is important for a divorcing parent to have legal representation to protect their interests in regards to child custody, support and other legal issues. A family law attorney can provide counsel and representation to support a parent’s involvement with their child’s life during and after divorce and to develop parenting plans and custody agreements that fully honor both parents’ contributions to the children’s lives.