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Construction fatalities on the rise

On Behalf of | Apr 24, 2018 | Workers' Compensation

Construction sites can be dangerous places for far too many Connecticut workers. The combination of exposed building sites, heavy machinery and, at times, poor safety practices can lead to severe and ongoing workplace injuries caused by on-the-job accidents. In addition, there has been an upward trend in serious incidents at construction jobs; between 2011 to 2015, fatalities rose by 26 percent at these work sites. Some types of accidents rose particularly quickly — for example, injuries for workers caught in or between objects shot up by 33 percent during that time.

Also between 2011 and 2015, over 800 construction workers were killed in workplace accidents due to being struck by a vehicle or object. Around 18 percent of the workers who died were hit by a truck or car while another 51 percent were struck by falling equipment or other objects. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration collects statistics and information about workplace injuries on the job. In an effort to enhance its reporting mechanisms, the agency has implemented electronic reporting for construction companies. OSHA has also raised the possibility of making the results public information.

In the Associated Builders and Contractors’ Safety Performance Report for 2018, the association suggested a series of steps that could cut the rate of workplace safety incidents by 85 percent. ABC noted that contractors who follow its process could have worksites that are up to 670 percent safer than the average construction industry site. One of the most effective steps in cutting down on accidents was engagement by executives, which could help prevent incidents by 70 percent.

Workers injured on the job, whether in construction or any other industry, have rights to compensation for their losses. A workers’ compensation attorney can help workers protect their rights and fight to receive the benefits they deserve.


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