People who have worked for a living and become disabled before they are able to retire from work might file for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). This coverage is only for people who meet requirements for the work they’ve done, such as having enough work credits.
Some people think that this program is charity, but it isn’t. You’ve paid into the program with each paycheck you earned. There are many different things you need to know if you are getting SSDI. One of these is that you can’t have substantial gainful activity that results in an income, but there are some exceptions to this.
The program has a trial work option that enables you to work for nine months to determine if you are able to earn a living by working. During the trial period, you are still given your normal benefits regardless of what you earn.
There is an extension of this program that is possible. It enables you to work for another 36 months and still receive benefits. The catch to this is that you can’t earn more than a specific amount, which changes annually. In 2018, the amount is $1,180 per month.
Once you earn too much to qualify for SSDI or have used all of the available work options, your benefits might stop. From the date they stop, you have five years to seek reinstatement if you are again unable to work. You don’t have to fill out a new application and your reinstatement is expedited.
There are a lot more considerations for you to think about when you need to receive SSDI. Make sure you understand how various scenarios might impact your case.