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Your divorce decisions now can impact your life later

On Behalf of | Oct 19, 2018 | Divorce

When you make the decision to divorce your spouse, you need to make sure that you have things together to protect yourself. There are some splits that are amicable; however, others are filled with disagreements. Even if you and your spouse get along fairly well, the divorce might pit you against each other. We know that this is a difficult situation, but planning ahead can be a huge help.

One thing that you can do if you are in this position is to gather financial documents. This might seem like overkill since both parties have to fill out disclosures. The issue here is that sometimes, people aren’t fully honest. By having copies of financial documents in your hand, you might be able to refute claims that you know aren’t correct.

There are also other ways that you can protect yourself. You should determine how you are going to support yourself. There are limits to what you can take out of joint accounts, so don’t go crazy and spend an unlimited amount of money. Instead, live a frugal lifestyle that helps you learn to live only on your own income.

We know that this is a huge life change for you. We are here to help you learn about what options you have and what you might do to walk away with the best divorce settlement possible. Even though you might be stuck on thinking about what might have been had the relationship not gone sour, you need to remember to look at the future. Every decision you make today can impact where you are in a decade.


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