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Proposed changes to Social Security could hurt Americans

On Behalf of | Dec 19, 2019 | Social Security Disability

If you are considering applying for Social Security Disability (SSD), you may have seen the news that the presidential administration has proposed a benefits policy that could limit benefits and end them for thousands of people around America.

As you may know, the process of getting Social Security benefits is already difficult, and it can take months or years to get the approval you need, even with good help. New rule changes could make the process even more difficult.

What’s the new proposed change to SSD?

The new proposed change is to increase the total number of continuing disability reviews to monitor recipients and their eligibility. It would also add another category to the list of qualifications applicants must have to receive benefits. The goal of the changes? To identify medical improvement as soon as possible and to end benefits for those deemed ineligible at that point.

There are three current categories that applicants can be placed into. These include “medical improvement expected,” “medical improvement possible,” and “medical improvement not expected.” The proposed changes would add in “medical improvement likely” so that the administration could identify those who are more likely to recover from long-term disabilities or illnesses.

People fighting against the changes say that the new category doesn’t make sense because medical conditions usually deteriorate with age instead of getting better. People who have limited resources may also find that it’s difficult to comply with the greater number of required reviews since it’s harder for them to get to the appointments.

Changes in Social Security Disability can be scary, but if you have questions, your attorney can help.


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