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Choose the right nursing home with your first-hand experiences

On Behalf of | Feb 18, 2020 | Personal Injury

Your mom was always your favorite person. She was gracious and kind to others. She was intelligent and always knew what to do in an emergency.

It’s been difficult to watch her health decline, and the decision to place her in a nursing home was one of the hardest you’ve had to make. You know that she can receive better care there, but you still worry.

Fortunately, people like you are able to look into nursing homes closely and take steps to verify that the care your mother will receive is acceptable. You can investigate to make sure that the care provided is of the highest standard and that your loved one is always treated kindly and with respect. The last thing anyone wants is to find out that nursing home abuse has taken place or that your loved one has been hurt by a nurse or other staff member.

What should you do to choose a nursing home well and to reduce the risk of nursing home abuse?

It’s smart to read reviews, check with the state and to look into nurses or staff members who will be working with your mother. It’s also important to visit the facility ahead of time. By doing this, you’ll get the kind of first-hand experience that truly lets you see what the facility is like and if it’s a place that you’re comfortable having your mother placed in.

It’s usually best to visit a potential nursing home more than once. Taste the food offered in the cafeteria. Look at the amenities and services offered.

In general, do a thorough review of the facility yourself. If you’d feel comfortable moving in there, then this may be the right place for your loved one.


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