Social media allows people to communicate with friends, family and business associates. Unfortunately, it may cause trouble for spouses involved in divorce proceedings. A Connecticut judge could make decisions based on information presented on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or another account. Perhaps anyone going through a divorce may wish to cut down on social media activities.
Troubles with social media
Sometimes, curtailing social media posts until the divorce concludes would be advisable. For some, it might be best to avoid posting anything at all. Others might decide only to make essential business-related posts. Those who post details about their divorce or post derogatory comments about a spouse could find these things hurt them.
Anything posted on social media could become evidence in divorce proceedings. Sometimes, the evidence could be ambiguous, meaning it may undermine the goals that a spouse seeks. For example, a photograph of someone taking a vacation may counter claims that a higher alimony amount is necessary to cover expenses. The photo might be entirely out of context and not indicative of anyone’s financial situation.
Then, some actions could create a false impression. A spouse might lose their temper and send an angry text message or post a volatile statement online. While such behavior might not indicate how the person behaves routinely, anything inflammatory would not likely help the situation.
Social media issues of concern
Spending too much time on social media has led some marriages to come to an end. Investing too much time interacting with others online or becoming too absorbed with social media followers might hurt a marriage. Continuing these behaviors during divorce proceedings could complicate things and prove distracting.
Making social media profiles more private might help. Keeping posts positive and noncontroversial would likely be a good idea as well.