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What emotional challenges come with a gray divorce?

On Behalf of | Aug 21, 2023 | Divorce

Divorce is difficult at any age. However, some people who are ending a long marriage later in life believe they are wise enough to avoid the negative psychological aspects of getting a divorce.

Unfortunately, divorce can blindside you with unexpected and unwanted emotions, even if you are older and have already overcome hardships in life. Knowing the psychological effects of “gray divorce” can prepare you to process them and move on as a single individual.

Sadness and grief

Many people feel sad during and after a divorce, but these feelings are sometimes more pronounced for those over 50. Two reasons for grief and sadness are the loss of a long relationship and the loneliness that often accompanies divorce.

Fear and anxiety

Those getting a later-in-life divorce are often surprised by unanticipated feelings of fear and anxiety. Concerns about their financial future and living the remainder of their lives alone are usually responsible for these unwanted emotions.

Relief and contentment

On a bright note, some people begin to feel better about their lives while getting a divorce, and these feelings often last long after it becomes final. Relief in getting out of an unhappy or unfulfilling marriage is also an unexpected but welcome emotion.

The reason this information matters is that your emotions can have a direct effect on your divorce. For example, they can tempt you into reconciling even when you know remaining married is not in your best interests.

It is vital to process and understand your feelings so that the decisions you make serve your interests. Learning more about Connecticut divorce laws can help distract you from unwanted emotions and improve your decision-making process.


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