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When does side work become workers’ comp fraud in Connecticut?

On Behalf of | Oct 4, 2024 | Workers' Compensation

Dealing with workers’ compensation can feel like walking on a tightrope. You are trying to recover from an injury, manage your finances and even maintain some level of productivity. You might find yourself wondering: at what point does picking up a side job cross the line into fraud?

Workers’ compensation fraud occurs when you knowingly make false statements or conceal information to obtain benefits. This includes working while receiving benefits without proper reporting.

The gray area of side work

Not all side work is considered fraud. The key factors include:

  • The nature of the work: This refers to the tasks you perform in your side job. For example, if you are on workers’ comp for a back injury, light office work might be acceptable, while heavy lifting could be problematic.
  • How it relates to your injury: This factor considers whether the side work contradicts your claimed injury or disability. If your side job involves activities that your injury should prevent you from doing, it could raise suspicions of fraud.
  • Whether you have reported it to your insurance provider: Reporting any side work to your insurance provider, regardless of its nature or how it relates to your injury, is essential to avoid accusations of fraud.

These factors help determine whether your side work could be viewed as fraudulent. It is important to consider all three when engaging in any work while receiving workers’ compensation benefits.

The importance of transparency

Open communication with your insurance provider is crucial. When in doubt, it might be best to disclose information. Asking for clarification is always better than risking severe consequences.

The complexities of workers’ compensation can be challenging, especially when financial pressures tempt you to seek additional income. Remember, the consequences of fraud can be serious, including criminal charges and loss of benefits. If uncertainties arise, seeking professional guidance is always wise. This approach ensures you are protecting your rights and staying within the bounds of the law while focusing on your recovery.


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