CBA Pro Bono Honor Roll Recognizes Attorneys Matthew Auger, Raymond Baribeault and Kristi Kelly

The Connecticut Bar Association (CBA) recently saluted attorneys who devoted their time to providing free legal assistance to low income persons through the programs and agencies in the Connecticut Pro Bono Network in 2015. Matthew Auger, Raymond Baribeault and Kristi Kelly were recognized for their generous volunteer work. Attorneys Auger and Kelly work with the Connecticut Veterans Legal Center whose mission is to help veterans recovering from homelessness and mental illness overcome legal barriers to housing, healthcare and income. Attorney Baribeault works for a court sponsored Volunteer Lawyer Program where attorneys give their time to meet with individuals, who are not represented by an attorney, to provide them with counsel and advice regarding their rights and obligations in foreclosure matters. “We congratulate and thank you for all your service to the legal profession and the people of Connecticut.” (Connecticut Lawyer Magazine, Summer 2016 edition).