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Suisman Shapiro is Community Partner for Safe Futures “Power of Purple”; Hot Cider Walk to End Domestic Violence


The Hot Cider Walk will take place on Sunday, October 27, starting at the City of Groton Municipal Building, located at 295 Meridian Street in Groton City. Registration will begin at 12:00 noon, with the 2-mile walk commencing at 1:00 pm. The autumn walk will pass Washington Park and historic Fort Griswold with its river views and wind its way back to the municipal building. At 2:30 p.m. participants will enjoy refreshments, visit resource tables and take part a closing rally to raise awareness, educate and call the community to action. Hot cider and donuts will be served. The first 200 walkers registered are guaranteed a Power of Purple tee-shirt. Pre-registration for the walk is available on line at Teams are welcome and encouraged. The event is free and will take place rain or shine.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and the Power of Purple campaign takes action against domestic violence by raising awareness and educating the general public and professional community of responders to domestic violence. Three women are killed every day in the U.S. by their intimate partners, and one in four American women will be abused in her lifetime. Millions of children are victims and bystanders of domestic violence, and still many more victims are left in the shadows, paralyzed by fear, terror and shame and by the failure of our institutions to adequately recognize and respond. The Power of Purple Campaign brings domestic violence out of the shadows and into the open through awareness, education and action. Domestic Violence Awareness Month celebrates those who have survived domestic violence and is a time to remember and mourn those who have lost their lives to domestic violence.

The Hot Cider Walk and Rally will be the second awareness raising event presented by the Power of Purple Campaign. On April 4, the campaign hosted a successful inaugural event at Three Rivers Community College featuring an educational film, panel and a keynote address by noted author and humorist Gina Barreca.

The color of domestic violence is purple and The Power of Purple Campaign strives to put purple on the map of our consciousness so it will be a recognizable symbol of the education and action needed to end domestic violence. Purple is the color of Domestic Violence and is a reminder to honor and give hope to battered women and their children who are living in violent homes.

Safe Futures, founded in 1976 as the Women’s Center of Southeastern CT, saves lives, restores hope and changes the future for those impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault throughout New London County. During the last year, Safe Futures saved the lives of 171 women and children who fled abuse and were sheltered at Genesis House, the safe house; restored hope for 16 households by providing housing, training and support through its Phoenix House transitional living program; and change the future for over 3,500 students, who participated in violence prevention education programs, including the popular VIP (Violence is Preventable) program. Hotlines and the women-and-children-only emergency shelter are staffed and operating 24/7/365, providing round-the-clock accessibility to Safe Futures’ free, confidential services.s

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