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Burned out doctors could be more likely to commit errors

On Behalf of | Jul 16, 2018 | Personal Injury

How burned out is your doctor? The answer might have major impacts on your likelihood of facing a medical error.

This is what a recent study suggests. The research was based off of surveys of physicians from 2014. The study found that the doctors who reported burnout had around double the likelihood of making medical mistakes. Also, medical error likelihood tripled for health care facilities where it appeared that burnout was a common issue, according to the study.

The study found certain medical mistakes to be particularly common, including:

  • Technical errors related to procedures
  • Diagnostic errors
  • Medical judgment errors

The study’s findings are particularly alarming given that the research also points to burnout being rather common among doctors. Burnout was reported by 55 percent of the surveyed physicians.

How common do you think doctor burnout is here in Connecticut? What would you like to see hospitals, health facilities and physicians in the state do to try to reduce the occurrence of doctor burnout?

As this illustrates, many things about doctors, including how stressed or emotionally drained they are feeling, can affect patient safety. When doctors, for any reason, let their care slip below proper levels, patients can be exposed to significant harm. Such harm can have life-changing impacts.

Patients who have been harmed in connection to medical care and believe that their harm was caused by a doctor’s error may have many questions related to compensation rights. It can be wise to take such questions to skilled medical malpractice attorneys.


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