ECC Spring Tournaments Sponsored by Suisman Shapiro
Suisman Shapiro sponsored the 2011 ECC Baseball Tournament at Dodd Stadium.

Volunteers from the law firm (left to right: Emily Flemming and Joanna Lazarus) join Josh Galvin, Waterford Speedbowl race car driver, to pass out bottled water to athletes at the ECC Track Championship at Montville High School on Saturday, May 21. More than 1,700 athletes participated in the meet, along with coaches, family members and fans. The Suisman Shapiro race car was on site, and Josh Galvin, also a former Montville High School track star, autographed photos at the event.
The Suisman Shapiro team was also on hand for the ECC Girls and Boys LaCrosse Championship East Lyme High School.