Suisman Shapiro raises $12,467 for the United Way of Southeastern Connecticut
Suisman Shapiro Attorneys at Law
Attn: Mr. John Collins, Esq.
2 Union Plaza, Suite 200
New London, CT 06320-1591
Dear John,
On behalf of the United Way of Southeastern Connecticut and the entire community, thank you for being a leader for positive change by raising $12,467 for our community. Thanks to you, campaign coordinators Eric Callahan and Bryan Fiengo and all your employees who participated, we are able to continue helping those in need through responsible use of donations.
Your continued dedication, leadership and hard work allow United Way to help so many in need throughout our community. We are experiencing a new demographic of clients within our community seeking help for the first time. Your efforts will help to ensure that the safety network of services that we fund will be available to help.
When you reach out a hand to one you influence the condition of all… Thank you for your commitment to United Way of Southeastern Connecticut.
Alice A. Soscia
Leadership Giving Manager
United Way of SE CT