Have You Suffered A Shoulder Injury At Work?
A shoulder injury can make it difficult, even impossible, to perform routine job duties. If an on-the-job shoulder injury has left you seeking Workers’ Compensation benefits, the lawyers at Suisman Shapiro are here to represent your interests.
Shoulder injuries can cause significant pain and limit range of motion, making it difficult to perform everyday job duties. Serious shoulder injuries can leave workers temporarily or permanently disabled and relying on Worker’s Compensation benefits to pay for medical bills and wage loss.
Suisman Shapiro handles Workers’ Compensation claims for clients who have suffered any type of shoulder injury, including rotator cuff injuries, muscle tears and dislocated shoulders.
Our lawyers are skilled at determining the causes of shoulder injuries and can guide you through the Workers’ Compensation process. We will handle all of the paperwork and legal details while you concentrate on recovering from your shoulder injury.
Contact Our Connecticut Workers’ Comp Lawyers
If you have suffered an on-the-job shoulder injury and are seeking Workers’ Compensation benefits, our attorneys are here to stand up for your rights. Contact us today online or by telephone to arrange a free initial consultation with an experienced Connecticut shoulder injury lawyer. We charge no attorney fees unless you collect.